Just Got My T-5 Nova Extreme Lights


man i can see a big differance from the stock lights. my anemone even grew bigger once the lights went on everything is so differant the colors on my clowns are better the color of the rocks i can even actually see the dirty in my tank now never thought ill be happy to see that lol
Great light setup. Which light set up did you purchase? I have 8 bulbs (2 fixtures- 8 x 39watts) over a 90g. No problems with sps. I am going to change the bulb combo through. Does not have individual reflectors but great bang for the buck.


i have it on my 70 gallon tank 4 bulbs 156 watts with led lights reflectors and got it for 189 dollars


I have the 4x54 + 4 leds over a 55g and I love it, you will get an algae bloom like crazy, I did. This thing lights up my tank like the sun without the heat. I'm really impressed with how little heat I get.

matt b

Active Member
I have the 4x54 + 4 leds over a 55g and I love it, you will get an algae bloom like crazy, I did. This thing lights up my tank like the sun without the heat. I'm really impressed with how little heat I get.
im gonna order 1 for my 55 tonight
great fixture!!i have the 36" 4bulb 39watt fixture and i love it!! and yes you will get an algae bloom!! at first but after about 3 weeks you will be all set!!

don lino

This was my first T5 light fixture and it was on my 55gal. Here are some pix:

They did awesum and were great for the price.

matt b

Active Member
with these lights dont they like light up the whole room and if u do a canopy it will get to hot right?

matt b

Active Member
just ordered Current USA Orbit 24-Hour Lighting System: : 48" 4X65W ill post pix when i get it


New Member
Whats everyones thoughts on the 4 moon lites? I have a 4x54 48"fixture on a 55 and the moon lites keep the tank fairly well lit. With this effect the fish or coral in any way?


Originally Posted by steelwrap
Whats everyones thoughts on the 4 moon lites? I have a 4x54 48"fixture on a 55 and the moon lites keep the tank fairly well lit. With this effect the fish or coral in any way?
Ihave the same setup........Here is my lighting schedule:
T5's - 11 am- 11pm
MH's - 12:30 pm - 8:30 pm
White Lunar - 10:55 pm - 1 am
8 am - 11:05 am
Blue Lunar - 10:55 pm - 2:30 am
6 am - 11:05 am
As you can see I run the lunars twice a day........I have them go off late night so the tank is completely dark for about 4 hours.........then turn back on early morning before the t5's kick in ...
It takes 4 different timers or a controller to do this............
I feel this minics the 24 hr cycle pretty closely and it also allows for the the LOUD balists(??) for the MH's to turn off right around the time I'm gonna try to sit down and relax.......I also have my chiller, pump and protien skimmer turn off at this time so its nice and quite in my room..........the t5's dont really heat up the water too much so the chiller is not needed then......I have my protien skimmer and pump turn back on late night after I'm asleep. The only thing running from 9pm-2am are the power heads so theres absolutly no noise.....this is also when I do my feeding.....SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice


Originally Posted by michael76lll
some pics of my tank with the nova extreme light fixture!

Just wondering what kind of angel that is to the left of the hippo tang?..I really like it!
Originally Posted by addicted2
Just wondering what kind of angel that is to the left of the hippo tang?..I really like it!

Eibli Angelfish, a.k.a. Red Stripe Angelfish or Blacktail Angelfish. nice looking Angelfish but i would NOT RECOMMEND IN A REEF!! he killed some of my coral! and is nipping at the rest of them!!