It is probley Damsels. That is the only one that I have a pair of in this tank. I was wondering if hatching baby shrimp would feed them? If there is a better or easier way to feed them let me know. They are clear and about 1/16 of a inch long. Thanks for any help!!! :help:
artificial rofiters will work but your not going to keep this batch of babies the filters will take care of them, you need to look at the raising clownfish thread and go by it, clownfish are damsels so there needs are very close.
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I would hatch brine shrimp and feed them the baby newly born brine shrimp.
Post some pics!
Lioncrazz do you think my suggestion is right?
Yes, totally. The filter is going to suck them up if there is nothing over the intake. The same goes for powerheads.
I did not think of rotifers, but that would work also. Baby brine shrimp (napuli) are just easier to come by, I think.
I can't get good pictures of them. But, I will show ya what I got so far.
I tryed to raise Baby Seahorses before but they would all die. So I don't think I even want to try with damsels.
Originally Posted by sebae09
i would have to say damsels will be among the easyist to raise
if you dont mind me asking what type is the pair??
4 striped or jail birds =-) I will trade them off if someone wants to get them and raise the babys. I just do not have the time to. There is really 3 of them in there so you will get all 3 because I don't know which is the pair!!