Just how Venomous is a Foxface?


I really like the Foxface, but am concerned about getting one, because it is venomous. I am highly allergic to bee stings, and don't know if the Foxface sting would equate to a bee sting.
So, any info on Foxface, regarding their venom and their propensity to attack a hand that is in the tank, etc, would be most appreciated. I would especially like to hear from anyone who has been stung by a Foxface.


I have never been stung by a foxface but I did have one for a couple of years and he never tried to sting me. I would clean the tank and move LR, etc around. I never tried to catch him or corner him though. Most likely he would not do anything to you unless you were a threat to him, ie. corner him.


it shouldn't be worse than bee sting...nothing life-threatening.......but could be quite serious for people who are allergic to bee sting...unless you provoke it quite badly....there is a slim chance that you'll get stung......


I have one and actually hand feed him. He has a great personality and is very mellow, but does get aggressive to protect my clowns. They're buddies! The owner of my lfs said that she has been hit a few times by accident while cleaning tanks etc. She said it's kinda painfull and swells up, but nothing extreme and she is allergic to insect bites too.


I have a foxface and its a very nice beautiful fish. I feed my fish with my fingers it doesn't try to sting me. I stick my arm in tank when cleaning and rearranging LR and it has never tried to attack me. It is not aggressive to other fish. Very shy fish with people watching. Buy one you will be happy with it.


Active Member
There are plenty of poisonous fish out there. In fact, I just saw the other day that SWF.com are selling ROCK FISH, lol. "Understand that we are not responible for any injury or death that may occur". LOL. Lionfish, foxface, puffers, scorpions. Ive had em all, never go stung. I even touched anemones alot, they dont hurt, just feel slimy. Yea, you would have to actually grab him and squeeze pretty hard wen his spines are out in order to actually get stung. Just my thoughts..


Foxface are one of the sweetest gentlest fish you will ever have. I will even go so far as to say they are also distinguished. My tank has everything in it from clowns to grammas to a blenny, also cleaner gobies. The foxface never did anything but swim by them gracefully. Mine grew so largee that he is now in a larger tank owned by someone else. They use their dorsel only as a protective device and raise them when feeling threatened but I never got injured nor has any of the other inhabitants.