Just learning Colepods?


New Member
Bought me a Mandrine Goby and it starved to death before I found out about Colepods. My 150 tank is only 1 month old with live 200lbs sand and 18 pounds of live Fugi rock. How or where do I get Colepods to feed Mandrine Goby's?
Did I spell Colepods right?


copepods hitch hike on live rocks, it takes time for them to multiply that's why many reef enthusiasts advise mandarin in an established tank...meaning lots of copepods. My mandarin learned to eat live brine shrimps and it hovers near the water surface to hunt them. I guess individuals vary since most of the posts here says their mandarins do not eat anything other than copepods.


Also the amount of LR that you have in the tank is insufficient. You should add at least another 50lbs or more. The copepods really flourish with lots of LR and a mandarin will if you give the copepods time to grow. You could also add a refugium with LR to help produce the copepods.


your tank isn't mature enough, yes you have a nice big tank with good amount of live rocks to start with
just give it time
copepods normmally came with live rocks, they will reproduce.
There is more then 1 posibilities to cause your mandarine die.
have you test your water?
have your tank complete the cycle?
there is a site that you can purchase copepods to boost your copepods population
<a href="http://www.ipsf.com" target="_blank">http://www.ipsf.com</a>
again abundand copepods does not guarantee for the madarin to survice.


my mistake, I though you said 180 lbls of live rock
seen it's only 18 lbl
you need alot more, plus 150 G tank with 18 lbl of live rock is kinda empty IMO


New Member
thanks everyone. As for the 18 pounds of rock yep! Just starting out. Have a 72 pound One piece of rock still on order (pre treated).