just letting out some steam


Active Member
this has the be {edit} worst year ever in my life, everything has gone to ----. My gurl left with our son, friend died, legal trouble, my half brother passed away. and that was only the first 4 months of this year now my {edit} boat some how jumped off the ball hitch and ran into the back of my 05' pathfinder, what else could go wrong this year. I can totally understand how some people just get over whelmed with life and take there own lives, what else can go wrong this year man its only july and i have to deal with so much ---- right now, i would not wish this on my worst enemy right now alsf;jksdflj i feel so frustrated i just want to disappear and say F it all


Active Member
Sorry to hear things have been going so bad for you lately, Joker. It seems when it rains...it pours. Do you have anyone you can talk to...like a close friend, or family member...someone who you can confide in? Sometimes the best thing is to get things out and have a shoulder to cry on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by schneidts
Sorry to hear things have been going so bad for you lately, Joker. It seems when it rains...it pours.
its not raining or pouring theres a freaking hurricane going on!!!!


I don't know sometimes either, but I try and remember what my grandma use to say "There's always someone out there who's got it alot worst" Helps me appreciate the things that are going right. and don't ever, ever say " It can't get any worse", It always can and usually does when your already in that frame of mind. Least your truck stopped the boat and nobody got hurt, could of been alot worst, right? How come trouble comes in three's and the solution is one day at a time? Doesn't seem fair!


New Member
I'm so sorry that so many bad things are happening to you. It just doesn't seem fair, sometimes.
Try praying about it. (You can't get much more help, than God!)
It works for me, and I'll bet it will for you, too.


Active Member
Sorry to hear of your misfortune man. Although most folks have hard times, it sounds like you have had an especially bad year. Ones true character is often revealed during times of adversity and hardship not when things are good. I saw a bumper sticker once that said "simplify". The simpler you can make your life the more control you will have over it. It works for me.
God gave us free will knowing that we would make mistakes...seems very cruel to me. Sounds like putting a pot of boiling water on the stove knowing your kid will yank it off and get burned??? makes no sense to me and Ive lost a serious ammount of faith over the years. I still pray on occasion though. Tough times dont last, tough people do. Hope your luck changes man.


New Member
It always helps when you can talk to somebody that you can trust. Last year me & my entire family on both sides lost everything due to the hurricane. I had to switch schools 4 different times, couldn't locate family after the hurricane, Grandpa had stroke, family friend died, and the list goes on....Eventually things will brighten up for you, even through the worse circumstances. Being able vent your frustration helps a lot too. Best of luck!


Active Member
thanks everyone for the kind words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but man this week i was having one of those days, thank good for my cousin and my friends or i would be going crazy, still a messed up year just lost my 3yr old blue tang yesterday