Just looking to see if im heading in the right direction!!


Active Member
Looks nice. More Live Rock would help ya out in the filtration department, bout 2lbs per gallon. Light set up is nice. I am not much on the reef tank though, so you'll have to wait on that answer on the lights for one of the other guys. But I think with the depth of your tank, I'm not sure what you have will work, not enough penetration.


WOW thanks that was a fast responce!!! Yeah I am planning on getting some more live rock in there, I just figured I would wait till the tank cycles, its only been running for 1 week Tommorow.


Active Member
actually right now you have around 6 watts per gallon because the actinic lights count for wattage too, you have 4 bulbs right??
the lights you have now will be good enough for softies and some LPS


Right now I have only the one strip on which is 1 10000k and 1 atinic, the other fixture i have to get new bulbs for there kind of dull !!! Does anyone know of a good place to order hardware from, Please also bare with me on this, this is my 1st post on here!!!! But thanks so far for all you guys helping!!!


Active Member
are you looking for lighting?? im not sure if this sight is allowed, sorry mods in advance if its not hellolights DOT com


You need another powerhead on the other side of the tank. Put it high up and pointd up to cause surface agitation. The top of the tank looks pretty still. You need much more flow , especially if you want a reef tank. Also, if you want a reef, you probably should look at a protein skimmer.


Ahh ok!!! Yeah im just really looking for bulbs and some other things, I just found that this site sells "dry goods" not just fishies!!! Ill browse around alittle. Thanks again


I have a 65 gallon aga. I ended up drilling it for my sump throwing a canopy on it and many other things. lol I started with the regular strip light, but then went to a dual 96 watt reto and bought the canopy from all glass. I was going to add 2 more 96 watt bulbs but decided I wanted to be able to have everything so I grabbed a 175 watt halide and kept the 2 96'ers so it's pretty good now had to bump up the canopy though. You are going to want a skimmer and at least a power head or 2 yet imo :) looking good though


wow this is crazy i NEVER thought id get this many resonses so FAST!!! phewwwww I need to catch up ,,ok ill get another power head to increase flow, and Im also going to be getting a skimmer the LFS told me id need one about a month after i set it up?? dont know if that info is correct but i will get one soon. :happyfish


auto top off and resevoir is a nice thing to have u might want one later on. you'll only have to add fresh water when your res runs out. I bought a sterlite tub "5$" it lasts me for like a week and a half


Yeah ive seen those auto top off things b4 there pretty cool, over the last few days ive noticed ALOT of brown ,i guess algea growing, is that normal for a new tank set up?


being that your using a hob hang on back filter u may be able to lift one of them up a bit by placing a spacer of some sort between the pump and tank rim so that the outlet splashes a bit to stir up the water line or drop the waterline of your tank some so that they both stir it up a bit it will get rid of that oil top coat on your water


OK cool I will do that right now!!!!! ANd cool, i thought maybe i messed something up and thats why i am getting that brown stuff!!!!!