Just looking to see if im heading in the right direction!!


nope no need those are mainly for tanks with multiple halides or ones with them too close to the water. I took off my glass tops so inside my hood the lights aren't seperated from the water by glass, it's "more bright" and dont get the salt creep on the "blurry glass". I made a fan kit though


Ahh ok I thought i might of needed to get one, cause with my lights on and the glass tops on the temp went up to almost 82, since than i took the glass tops off and bought the legs for that lite strip and put a fan there and the temp is now stable at 78-79


If ya talking about stuart Florida, we have no clue!!!!!! Im about 2 hours west from Orlando if that helps!!!! sorry


lol its ok it's like 3 hrs south of there I have fam down there. Trying to take a vaca down there in the next couple weeks wondering about good shops down there


Man I wish I could help ya with that, since ya helping me out alot and taking ya time out to write me, all I can do is help ya with the stores around here!!!! ***)


Cool man, should be some good weather for ya down here, I think were done with the cold fronts by now, or we better be i should say!!! What kind of bit did you use to drill your own tank?? I wouldnt mind doing that to mine, just alittle scary i would think!!!!


I did it the smart way and took it to a glass shop and let them do it...
diamond bits aren't cheap and it was only like 30 bucks to have them do it
took out my wet/dry and made my own sump out of a 20 gallon and it was like 10 or 15 to have it done


Thats exactly one of the things ive been searching for is plans or whatever to make my own sump, i know alot of people do it and it works great, Its just, ive seen alot of different styles and ive been "told" that some styles stink and some are really good, so bascially i didnt want to waist my time cause knowing my luck id find the stinky kind of sump plans and make that!!!! LOL


LOL I used a 20 gallon I had from a while back but u can get them for like 20 bucks
it's a real good size to use for our size tank and stand I can take pics of mine here soon for ya to show ya whats up lol


Cool man that would be great!!! I just thought of a question for ya, I have 3 Damsels and a Goby who me and the wife just witnessed him(goby) eating a feather duster!!!!??!!?!?!?! My question is, how often should i feed these guys so they will leave the rocks and dusters alone, I am feeding them once everyother day and just enough so theres no leftovers!!!


I have 5 fish
3 chromis
1 cardinal "medium"
1 algea blenny "don't eat anything but algea"
2 shrimps
1 arrow crab "big"
2 cucumbers
1 horseshoe crab
and bunch of hermits and snails
I feed my tank 1 of those frozen cubes or similar amount of other foods 1 time a day
usually better to feed less amounts more times, then more amounts less times


OK sounds good, Im going to feed them alittle now since the goby has the feather duster tube hanging out of his mouth!!!! LOL


LOL man hes a BIG pig, my wife says hes a shrimp goby. But nevertheless a BIG pig!!!I think he will leave my dusters alone for alittle!!!!