Just made $50

I just made 50$ from taking care of my neighbor's pets for the weekend.
What I plan to do is upgrade my skimmer to the Red Sea Prizm if my parents will give me $24. The skimmer also comes with a free 10 gallon salt mix.
Later in the early weeks of August my father brother and Grandpa are going on a boating trip and my Grandma is going to pay me to mow the lawn. Hopfully I will make enough for and RO unit or a clean up crew.
Should I get the skimmer now or should I hold off on that and get a clean up crew. There was one for 54$. I think it was called the the Bonus 20 pack.

nm reef

Active Member
Not going to advise either choice.....just wanted to say......Its great to see positive efforts by youth towards a goal....as a father and a youth coach....its a pleasure to see positive productive youth......whatever way you go....congradulations...and job(jobs)well done :D
Why not advise either choice?
I do not have a clean up crew and someone told me that I should get a prism skimmer.
Anything is better than what I have. Currently I have a Lees counter current.


Salisbury...I think that NM Reef was just commenting on how well he thinks you're doing. In other words, he wasn't advising against your selections, he just wanted to give you a thumbs up.
With limited funds, I'd get the skimmer and then you can buy clean up crew in bits (a couple of crabs/snails each week). Just my person opinion...no scientific basis! :)


New Member
Isn't it amazing what we will all do for a nice new addition to our tanks??? I will just about do anything for a little extra cash. I really need to get a part time job at my LFS. LOL :D
let me tell you a little secret about protein skimmers, i dunno if this is what u are looking for but anywyas here goes, there are these packages almost like carbon that are like 8 bucks and they absorb amonia and other dangerous wastes, it is late and i dont kno the name of the packs but i will tell u tomorrow, every three months you put them in bleech and it recharges them, i use it on my 20g high, i put it in my millenium 2000, in the tank i have a convict tang with green star polyps(branching) button polyps, 6 turbo snails and a single cleaner shrimp, all doing great!
Hey Dlight what is that media?
Also I ordered the skimmer today and if they ship it today it should be here Friday.
I might be applying for job at the library but my previous job is not going to look good on the application.
"purigen- is a premium synthetic absorbbent that is unlike any other filtration product.purigen darkens progressively as it exhausts, and is easily renewed by treating with household bleach