Just ordered my new HQI lighting


So in my quest to set up my 46g bow right this time, I knew I had to upgrade my lighting.
In my past efforts to get this tank going I bought a 192W JBJ PC lighting system. I knew I would like to create a reef tank, but bought this without doing the proper research (this item with be in the classifieds soon!)
I thought I would try to put off the wallet shock of a new light as long as possible and get my reef "started" on the PC lighting. Well I decided tonight that was not a good idea, or im just impulsive, one or the other....
Just ordered a Outer Orbit HQI/T5HO/Lunar combo! Two 150W MH, 4 39W T5HO's and like 18 lunars.
So now my question, I can keep anyting I want under this light right?


if you don't mind me asking how much did you spend and where did you get it from?
I ask because i'm in the market for a good light system for my tank.


Originally Posted by enigma1388
if you don't mind me asking how much did you spend and where did you get it from?
I ask because i'm in the market for a good light system for my tank.
Around ~$650 but we are not allowed to post websites on this forum.