Just out of curiosity



Today is my 21st birthday
can drink now(legally). Im having a party tonite starting around 9...my tank lights are on from 11-7:45. Would it be bad to leave them on longer during the party so its not just a dark tank in the family room?
Its a 75g tank with various corals, a kole tang, bicolor angel, clownfish, chromis, neon goby, and engineer goby.
Lighting is a setup by coral life with 2 10,000k bulbs and 2 65watt actinics


It should not hurt it... I sometimes am not home in the evening, and the lights stay on till I get there, no problem on this end.


You could have started the light cycle later so that the lights can stay on longer. I am assuimng you have no moon lights but leaving the tank on until midnight should not be a problem. Let the sun light go off a little later then usual, and just leave the actinics on thereafter. In this case I prefer the moonlights to kick in since my corals are neon causing a nice effect at night.


Active Member
either turn them off now, and turn them on before people start to get to your house, or jsut leave them on the whole time. dont be suprised if some corals start to close up a little when the lights are still on. they'll be fine in the morning.


Thanks guys..ill leave them on and then switch to actinics only...i cheaped out and didnt get the moonlights...totally wishing i had gotten them. Ill get them with my next set up tho