just passed 3 years, thought i would share


Below are pictures from the last week and more to come. I have been working with this tank over the last 3 1/2 years. At 2 1/2 years I stopped stocking the tank to maintain what I have till they receive their new home and then I’ll most like not add anything since my attention has turn to watching the kids as my wife at I call them grow. The oldest fish is the hippo tang to the youngest the annularis angel. Some people may disagree with the setup and that’s ok since it's a free world they have been posted for your viewing pleaser. The tank is a 180G aga rr with 250lbs LR and 150lbs LS, tank temp is keep at 77F. Now for the pictures

Powder Blue Tang

Blue Angel

Yellow Tang

Clarks Clown guarding his nest of eggs ( this is the third batch)

Sailfin Tang

Flame Angel, Swallow Tail Angel, Powder Blue Tang, and tail of the Tenet Tang


Active Member
WOW. thats is awesome. im loving that clarkii clown. do the eggs ever hatch into babies? btw resize your photos


Active Member
u2, that's very, very, very, very nice. Someday....... great choice of fish as well. Bravo to you!


Originally Posted by feixjai
WOW. thats is awesome. im loving that clarkii clown. do the eggs ever hatch into babies? btw resize your photos
sorry about the photos they started out at 2576x1932 and I resized them to 1024x768 forgeting about the masses out there so now they're 640x480 hope this works. Yes the eggs do hatch and you watch them grow in their eggs over a week to two weeks after that I have no clue what becomes of them in this tank.
u2, that's very, very, very, very nice. Someday....... great choice of fish as well. Bravo to you!
Thanks for the comments both of you


Awesome! I really like the fact that you have quite a few fish with your reef. I keep hearing/reading not to have but a few....less is more?? NO WAY YOURS IS MORE!!!! LOVE IT! :yes:


have you had any problems with the PBT? I've read they're hard to keep and don't respond well to bullying...I have a chevron tang that gets along fine with my hippo tang, but picked on my naso. The naso had to go, but I want to get a PBT. Nervous about starting trouble in paradise.


Active Member
Could you give us a full livestock list? Your aquarium makes my tank look like good old fashioned Michigan horses doo-doo.


Originally Posted by goldenboy
have you had any problems with the PBT? I've read they're hard to keep and don't respond well to bullying...I have a chevron tang that gets along fine with my hippo tang, but picked on my naso. The naso had to go, but I want to get a PBT. Nervous about starting trouble in paradise.
The PBT was added towards the end and I say this for all the fish they get along 99% of the time. Their is a pecking order in the tank and everyone pretty much doesn't try to change it.
Could you give us a full livestock list? Your aquarium makes my tank look like good old fashioned Michigan horses doo-doo.
yes i can give a list but i could also forget a few. the list is the FISH, there is also various inverts and corals.
Sixline Wrasse
3 Clarks Clown's
Green Mandrin
Bi-Color Blenny
3 Green Chromis
Powder Blue Tang
Hippo Tang
yellow Tang
Tennent Tang
Sailfin Tang
Kole Tang
Atlantic Blue Tang
Naso Tang
Blue Angel
Queen Angel
Flame Angel
Swallow Tail Angel
Singapore Angel
Blue Face Angel
Annularis Angel


Active Member
You can keep inverts and corals with those angels?? What do you have like shrimps and mushrooms or something??


Originally Posted by pitbull01
You can keep inverts and corals with those angels?? What do you have like shrimps and mushrooms or something??
invert list
3 long spine urchins
1 Pencil urchin
1 tuxcedo urchin
1 brittle star
1 blue linka star
1 bahama star
1 fighing counch
a few hermits
2 cleaner shrimp
2 coral banded shrimp
3 camel back shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
1 purple lobster
coral list
various green fuzzy mushrooms
various green mushrooms


Active Member
OMG! I'm so freakin jealous! Your tank is so awesome!
I always wanted to have a big enough aquarium to keep lots of tangs like you. Can you post some more pics?


Active Member
And I thought my 180g was stocked. Ive got a ways to go then.....
Very nice choice of fish. I have 10 tangs and they do fine together.
Youve done well keeping that together.
Thanks for sharing and show us more.