Just placed my first order! Have a few quick questions?


New Member
Hello everyone,
Ive been nosing around on the site for a while, just soaking up some knowledge and admiring all the amazing tanks and builds you guys do.
First ill let you in on my setup. Its a 75gallon tank. Its been setup for almost 3 years now and was a FOWL. But my wife and I just had our first kid and wanted some smaller colorful fish, so my lionfish, sfe, stonefish went to the LFS. Right now there are no fish in the tank. I have a HOB double filter, 2 powerheads and a protein skimmer. I just ordered a new protein skimmer and 30 gallon sump and a nice set of T5's.
So my question is can I acclimate more then one fish at a time in the same bucket? I was gonna use a 5 gallon bucket and the old drip system. Should I float the fish first? Should I leave the light off for the first day? Also do you feed the flake food once a day?
All my other fish Ive had I feed like 3-4 times a week.
Oh I guess I should tell you the fish I got:
2 Green Chromis
Yellow watchman goby
4 Peppermint shrimp, some snails and crabs
Thanks for your time!


Active Member
I dont foresee a problem with all those fish in a bucket. If the bag water is cool then float them to warm that water up. An extra 30 mins in that bag wont do them any harm. Having the light off wont hurt anything me thinks. I wouldnt do flake food at all. How about some mysis combined with vitamin soaked brine. With just 5 fish, you wont need whole cubes of either.


New Member
Cool thanks. I have some cubes too, totally forgot about them tell just now. My wife also wants a dwarf coral angel, bicolor blenny, and a hippo tang. But I dont know. Will all them be ok in the tank? Also once my lights show up im thinking about order some green center zoos. Just to add a little more color to the tank, and I heard theyre really easy to care for.
thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site.
I’m confused, first you said there was no fish in the tank, then you listed your fish???? I never add more than one or two fish at a time. Wait a week before adding another.
Zoa are easy and so are muchrooms for a splash of color.


Active Member
If you're going to open all the bags and dump multiple fish together to "acclimate", you might as well just dump the fish straight into the tank. For the 20 -27 hours fish are typically in their shipping bags, the parameters of the water in each bag has changed significantly from the store's water, and is now unique to each bag/fish.
Before this gets all ranty about drip acclimation, I will just say look at each fish in their bag, and see how clear the water is, how well, or how poorly, each fish is doing. If some look rough, I would really suggest not to do a prolonged drip method.
About the wanted fish, a small Hippo can of course fit reasonably into a 75gal, but not forever. A medium to large Hippo, is already too big for the tank. The Coral Beauty is going to need a better diet then flakes and brine to maintain its health.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/383963/just-placed-my-first-order-have-a-few-quick-questions#post_3361635
I’m confused, first you said there was no fish in the tank, then you listed your fish????
He had 3 fish, the lion, sfe, and stonefish (I suspect it's a different fish, but that's neither here nor there). He took those fish to his LFS. His tank, at this moment, is empty. However he already ordered the 2 clowns, 2 chromis, goby, and inverts, which should be there today, I would imagine.
As long as the tank wasn't empty for like 3 weeks, it should be able to handle the new additions. However, this is ignoring the glaring omission of proper quarantine...


Well-Known Member
To be honest the 75g is too small for a Hippo, my book recommends 100g
HOWEVER....I had my Hippo in the 55g, then the 75g and now the 90g. I got him when he was the size of my pinky fingernail. He is now 5 inches, and about to outgrow the 90g
I have seen Hippos stay around 5 inches for a long time, so I figure he has some more joy to offer me before I cry and let him go. He grew about an inch a year, now 1/2 inch a year so he is slowing down. I will have to remove every rock in the tank to get him out. If he would just stay the size he is now, I can keep him.
AquaKnight is correct about quarantine 100%


New Member
Thanks for all the input guys. Ill scratch the hippo off my wifes list of fish. The tank has only been empty for a few days. Im gonna add these fish to the tank, and in a few months add the others. But in the mean time, ill get a 29 gallon tank up and running for a qt. What other foods do you feed a coral angel? I dont have a problem with feeding different foods.
thanks again!


To your latest question: Angels like a lot of herbivore type food, but also do well with enriched mysid/brine/spirulina cubes. They will constantly graze on rocks as well. One thing that I didn't notice if anyone had pointed out, Feeding your fish once a day isn't ideal. Most recommendations are 2-3 times daily. I typically feed a combo of some flakes and half a frozen cube.
I'm not flaming you, but I found it somewhat peculiar that you decided to order your livestock and then ask questoinslol