Just planning, give your input or ideas.


I just got a 135 gallon that I will be putting all my fish from my 55 gal in. I want to be able to have another shrimp, but my Panther Grouper ate the last one. I have a V. lion, Humu trigger, Yellow tang, striped damsel, lawnmower blenny and hermet. I think I will probably get rid of my Panther.
First topic:
I want a couple butterflyfish, here's what I was looking at. Has anyone owned any of these?
Yellow pyramid
Second topic:
I will have two 10,000K daylights and two True Actinic 03 Blue T-5s. T-5's are 21 watts each it says.
That said, I have a couple soft things in mind. I'm not going full reef, but I would like some living things in there besides fish. Here's what I was looking at, and would they be okay with the lighting? What else can I have?
Button poylp
Clove polyp
Glove polyp
I'm interested in Featherdusters and Mushrooms too, but I've been hearing mushrooms aren't as easy as I thought. Any thoughts?


Active Member
Could be hard to add any of those with the trigger around.
If you want BFs then forget about the feather dusters.


The trigger is very docile, he gets along with everyone I have now, even when I have added fish. He's the second fish I got for this tank, and he's seen a lot come and go. I'm going to have to check on what BF's I have picked are more invert safe.
So, would the lighting I am getting allow for more possibilities with inverts?