Just put in some live sand and rock, but haven't gotten a Powerhead yet. Is that bad


New Member
I have a 45 gallon tank and I put in live sand yeterday and today put some live (cured) rock with the shrimp. I don't have a powerhead yet. I am using two long bubble wands for now. Will that affect my cycle in a negative way?


Active Member
The bubble wands are sufficient in circulating the water during the cycle, but you will want to get poweheads asap as it will help the cycle. Once you get inverts or fish, you NEED powerheads. Fish need around 10x circulation and inverts need about 20-25x circulation.
You will probably want to get rid of the bubble wands once you start puting critters in the tank. It will raise the ph too much and the bubbles might even irritate some inverts.


New Member
Definately scrap the airwands, i had airstones in mine, and i caused nothing but problems, from cloudy water to microbubbles i couldnt get rid of