Just saw this on Yahoo(nemo thing)


I must have two females cause neither of mine seems to have a unit. Not to mention I have never seen one mount the other. I must go to yahoo and learn more...lol:D


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: New to me..... NOT, I could have told them that and I bet it took them a few years to come to this conclusion :rolleyes: LOL John

sinner's girl

"Latest Developments"?????? They've got to keep up with things,
You know, I didn't think of that when i was watching the movie...Nemo's dad shouldn't have stayed a male without the female around...
oh well, movies aren't real life


Active Member

Originally posted by Sinner's Girl
You know, I didn't think of that when i was watching the movie...Nemo's dad shouldn't have stayed a male without the female around...

That would've made for such a nice twist to the plot line! But then of course once Nemo is rescued he would have to turn male to become the other half for his now maternal father. Geez--talk about Oedipus complex, they could do a whole Jerry Springer off this :D


:rolleyes: bet the kids are wondering if their clown is a homo now;) :rolleyes: :p
This just in, fish live in water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes: