just seeing something


I just want to see if i can get a pic to work.
pic of my dead fire shrimp. I was trying to get my money back by showing a pic of it and emailing it to them.


If you got it from SWF.com you might want to reread the money back and warranty statments. I beleive you have to send it back to them to get any kind of credit.
sorry that it died though.


It was not from swf.com. i would post the website, but i know it is against the rules.
That shrimp died over night it sucks a lot too. He looked awesome!
He did not really look that healthy in the bag too before I put him in.


Originally Posted by fishkid2
It was not from swf.com. i would post the website, but i know it is against the rules.
That shrimp died over night it sucks a lot too. He looked awesome!
He did not really look that healthy in the bag too before I put him in.
You acclimated it right?


i did not drip acclimate him. I just used a syeringe and put like a oz of my water every 20 min. i did this for about three hrs. Do you think that would be a good way to acclimate him or not?


Active Member
No, that is more than likely the reason he died. A drip acclimation is necessary and you will probably not have your money refunded for not doing the procedure correctly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishkid2
Do you think that would be a good way to acclimate him or not?
well you asked. I agree that that method of acclimation can be rough on inverts. If I was the company that sold you the shrimp I wouldn't guarantee the shrimp would live through that. it would definitely void any guarantee. lots of places don't even guarantee live arrival. When you cut corners you take chances even if its never gone bad before. this time you rolled snake eyes.