just set up aquapod 24,question


i took out filter media ,bio balls ,sponge,i have skimmer,main pump,and tunze nano p.h,and live rock,my question is the tank water is super cloudy and there is what looks like a coating of dust on everything, p.h,rock ect,i know its normal for tank to be cloudy,but its been 2 days? i used half the water from my established tank,half new saltwater,and some sand from my other tank,im thinking of pulling the skimmer and putting in some sponge just to catch some of this particulate,then replacing skimmer later,any ideas ?this ok?


Can you siphon the dust up?
I think you could safely put your filter sponges back in to catch the debris, and then remove them later on but I am not positive... Maybe someone else has some thoughts...


yea i would use the sponge, filter floss would be alot better u should run the tank with this intill the water is crystal clear and u have cycled everything then u can go natural and take everything out again, also remember the carbon it helpz


New Member
I just set-up my 24gal jbj nano last week,everyone seems to be in a hurry to change the filters, I just used it the way it came and have had no problems. Water is clear and I have added pprox.13lbs of LR , 2 clowns,1 wathchman goby and a pepermint shrimp. I really like the stock set-up. Just a thought


well the instruction say that you shouldn't use the bioballs/rings if your doing reef. They recommend that you use them in FOWLR tanks due to the fact that they can build up crap in them. Did you wash the sand out before putting it in your tank. Its usually a good idea to rinse your sand a little before putting it in your tank.