just sharin a couple pics


Active Member
just a few pics i took earlier.... im waiting to hook up my new MH light systemand it should look great ill take pics when i get that all hooked up to show you all the difference.... my blue linkia likes to hide most of the time thats y i am excited he was out for a photo opp



Active Member
lol sorry here let me get one of him for you mimzy!!!
hes not wanting to come out and play hes hiding under my toad....
heres a few more pics



Active Member
yayayayayayayyyyyy!!! :joy:
Bumble-buzzy, Uber-fuzzy Hidey-widey widdle tiny LIONFISH!!!! :jumping: :jumping:
(I can't believe you put up with me..


Active Member
lol i think its kinda funy i get a kick outta your new language lol!!!
heres one more for good ol times lol



Active Member
It's now a tradition, you see.
Every time you post a pic of him I shall have to come up with a new alliterative phrase describing his ultimate cute-ness!
for this pic, I shall go with.....
Blue-ey Dew-ey Bright-eyed Cutey!! :joy:


Active Member

that was soooo funny mimzy!!!
i always get a kick out of your little phrases....
yeah he does have blue eyes in that pic huh??


Active Member
i know i've told you before, but wow your tank is beautiful... how old is it?...what kind of lights are you running...what size is the tank?


Active Member
Jer4916 i know i've told you before, but wow your tank is beautiful... how old is it?...what kind of lights are you running...what size is the tank?
thanks for the compliments!!!! ive had the tank for 2 years it was at the house i bought and they sold it to me for $150 cuz they didnt want to move it.... back then it was full of algae and had 3 fish no LR or anything else.... as you can see ive added a lot to it from equipment to livestock... i had to make a new canopy for the pc lighting i bought new filters and everything..... right now i have PC lighting about 480watts of a mixture of daylight and acitinic lighting..... the tank is a 100 gallon 5" long..... but i just got a new light system.... im waiting for the other pendant to come in so i havent hooked it up yet.... i just purchased 2-250W MH 20K DE's to put in my canopy and im going to keep 260 watts of PC under the canopy as well for a total of 760 watts.... im going to mess around with it to see what looks best but ive already hung the MH above the tank and it looks awesome... i have approx 150lbs of live rock.... 2 fluval 404's running high grade carbon... a protein skimmer.. a uv filter... a 1/2hp chiller.... an automatic top off system... 2 powerheads and more..im trying to get the tank self sustainded but i adventually wanna upgrade to a bigger custom tank....
jjlittle Does your colt & star polop get along I see they are pretty close to each other?
actually i had to split up my GSP's they were growing on to an adjacent piece of LR and i broke it up and moved one piece to the right side of the tank far away from the colt.... they started encrouching in on the colt and they were stinging him making him pull in.... but as of right now they are fine they way the current in the tank is it keep away the colt from bumping the GSP's....
Nomad Magnificent tank -- beautiful pics -- darling lion
thanks for the compliment also.... yeah lots of people have told me they liked my lion.... its my fav fish in my tank my mandarin runs a close second hes also fun to watch...


Active Member
just a few more pics ....
first is a pic of the 2nd GSP colony thats growing like crazy as u can see it started off as the big piece in the center that i attached to my LR and now its growing all over the LR....
2nd is of my frog, brain, and goni.....
3rd is a pic of them under the new MH 20K
