Just Six Fish Pics


Active Member
WOW! It must be perty to have all them fish together like that.
I wish I had a big enough tank to keep 10 tangs. Do you have in full tank shots?


Active Member
Thats one perty tank dogstar! Love the rockwork, and the tangs! Now if I can get my 55gal to look half that good I will be lucky.


Active Member
:notsure: Anyone think there too dark blue. They are one of the most hardest fish to photograph because their color really does tricks to a camera. I am pleased with the pics of the blues cause they are a true likness.


Wazaaaaaaaaa Dog. Junkie. As always spechlesssssssssssssss..........
If they knew I have eight. 55


Active Member
HLLE, no, there fine. Why did you say that. Hippos are supposed to have the leathery looking skin on the face. Theres no soars on that fish. Thanks anyway.