Just Some Pics of My 90 Gallon


Active Member
Hey everybody, long time no post. Just giving an update on my 90 Gallon FOWLR
My SFE leaped when I was at the beach
found him in the next room
so here's some pics of my Lion, Hippo, and Emperor



Active Member
yeah he's grown a lot since I've gotten him. I bought him as a juvi. he just recently upgraded to Jumbo Krill. I used to buy him the normal size. haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Looks great! Im thinking of upgrading to a 90.
Thanks alot. yeah I would definetly go for it. it's worth it. I'm having trouble finding a Diamond Goby that's too big for my lion to eat though ..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chance

sorry about your sfe
Thanks . I'm thinking about a zebra moray in the future though
. I've read they're more docile than most eels


Active Member
Very cool fish, I like the (juv.) emperor, how long have you had it? Keep us posted when it starts to change.



Active Member
Originally Posted by trippkid
Very cool fish, I like the (juv.) emperor, how long have you had it? Keep us posted when it starts to change.

for a while. I'd have to pull out the calendar to tell you exactly (all the way upstairs) I've been keeping pictures and the only real change so far is a little whitening on the very very top. a little more white then when I got him .. I'll definetly have some updates on here when I see something


Active Member
Yea, and it wont cost but like 500 cause the 90 is going to be FOWLR. Anyways not to hijack thread.