just some pictures of my 55 g tank


New Member
Very nice!!
I love the Feather Duster (I'm kinda partial to them). Your tank looks so clear too. Good job.


New Member
This is our tank wife posted pics just some info 55ga that we have had since last year and ive read and read before setting up. The tank has been running for approx. a little over 2 months. Hardware is bio-wheel 350, cpr skimmer, standard lighting, and the 3 powerheads with the one in the middle having the flo-rotater on it. The rock bought from lfs which is great stuff have approx. 70lbs in there and the sand is a mix of black moon ,argonite,and live. Originally had a lot of fake corals which quite a few have been pulled out. O and the cichlid tank i had running is no longer i traded the fish in for some of the rock and that tank is in the progress of a reef . And will be getting my swf order tommorrow w/ all my cleaners cant wait.
Fish list.....
2 clowns
1 yellowtaildamsel
1 yellow watchman
1 cleaner shrimp


New Member
Thanks i wanted all black but it wasnt a buffer so i added the others w/ it and yea love the feather duster have another that will be here tomorrow w/ a couple clusters also. I actually have been dying waiting on all my new additions. And im thinking bout adding a small piece of base rock under the one rock by the fake orange coral so it will add more height to that side.