Just something random


I'm just wondering if anybody out there has a Bearded Dragon. There so cool. i have mine sitting on my lap right now. He's funny he keeps on moving side to side getting confertable and looking at me type away.


i wanted to have another one so he would have a friend. I even found some baby beardys in the paper for $50 each
Awesome Pic of your beardys


Active Member
Dont know if they are the same thing, but out here we have these little guys all over the place. They dont even try to run from you, just lazy little dudes that sit around the yard and under your car when it gets hot outside. Sometimes the dogs even bring them inside.
Ask "Maxalmon" He is also in southern Nevada and I am sure he has them up the wazoo also.


Not the same thing, but those guys are cool too.
My bearded dragon used to watch TV with me all the time...I'd just throw a towel over my shoulder and he'd chill for an hour or two. He had some parasites that we had to get rid of by feeding him this medicine with a syringe...he nursed it like a baby! Guess it was tasty...