Just started learning...




Hi everyone! I'm new to the hobby. I'm slowing learning a lot, but I'm sure there's a mountain of things I have yet to learn. I have years of freshwater tank experience, but I know there's so much more to saltwater tanks. Luckily my boyfriend is a hobbyist so he's taught me quite a bit so far. Anybody got any general tips and tricks that may be good to know (besides the obvious stuff)?


Congrads on the new and expensive hobby. It is hard to just give you any tips, but you will find on this site that there is more than enough capable people that will help you. If you have specific questions it would be lot easier to give you some tips.


the conscientous aquarist by robert fenner, best 35 bucks i've spent so far...
another tip, take out a second morgage, 2 reefers in 1 house...that could get expensive:D


Ahh, we are 2 reefers in two seperate homes!! lol. I gave her my 26 gal bowfront, and i'm trying to sell my 125gal tank and focus on my 55gal reef tank. She is lucky, She is getting all of my soft coral as i switch to all SPS. So read up Jenn, I'm setting it up and getting it cycled for you but you have to keep yours clean and keep up on the maintance.


ha ha! You sneaky little thing, jumping into my thread! :jumping: Anyway, that's why I started this thread! I wanted to see if there were any secrets that you experienced reefers keep locked up. You know, like the meaning of life, but dealing with saltwater tanks.
I've read so much stuff, my eyes will probably fall out. :scared: By the way, thanks for the book suggestion phenom. I've seen a lot of reefers suggest that book and I think I may invest in it when I get back home (I'm out of town for Christmas right now).


the only problem i've found with the book...there's so much information in it, i didn't know where to start when i first got it:D
other then that my only tip is to keep doing what your doing...read, read, read...keep learning as much as you can. wish my fiance was as into the hobby like you are...maybe i would get a different response instead of, " you spent how much money on what?"


ha ha. Well, my boyfriend was pretty surprised at how interested I am in the subject. But honestly, the more I learn, the more I'm interested. By the way, how big is this book?


Active Member
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert M. Fenner
Hardcover: 432 pages
Dimensions (in inches): 1.04 x 9.53 x 8.70


holy cow! over 400 pages?? I bet you think you're so funny Drew!


I thought you were on your way home!!! Let me know if the tank is still cloudy. We used a bag of southdown, fun stuff. I'm adding some dry base rock and 3 large rocks from my tank with softies on(ricordia, zoanthids, and stuff like that). So hopefully they won't have a major shock when i move my rock over. I put some live sand in last week and it has been curing since. Once i get my new light i'll be moving those rocks over and putting a 175w mh on the tank. I had an option of a prizm skimmer and an ecosystem 40. I went with the prize and i'm also running a canaster filter with nothing but carbon and foam filter pads in it. Not my ideal set up but it was all the left overs i had at my place.


I'm home now, geez! :rolleyes: The tank is still a little cloudy. You can barely see the rock that's in there. What will help clear it up? :notsure:


Oops, I was wrong. The cloudiness I'm seeing is the dust on the glass. The water is actually not too bad. Duh, I'm such a dummy!


So what would be the ideal clean-up crew for my tank after I get it set up? 26 gal, DSB, live rock, softies, anemone, and a few fishies...


Active Member
I personally wouldnt get an anenome. They r awsome and all but my florida condi has gottne so big and is starting to take over. Hes going in my 135 when it is time. PLus when u really get into coals u will find out they take up alot of room with there big tenticals. If u get one get a carpet or BTA but they get big so... i wouldnt. Ur lucky getting corals for free. I saw a pic of ur b/f's tank, he has some nice stuff.
Good luck:happyfish


For Christmas he bought me a green BTA. It's pretty cool. I honestly don't think he'll get too big though. I know if he splits, I can maybe trade one in for something or try to sell it. I'm curious as to how much it would be worth because I've tried finding pictures of one just like it and am having a hard time. I think I found one out of like 100 different websites. I'm thinking maybe one like him isn't that common. I'll find out when the time comes though.
He's giving me some zoos, ricordias, mushroom caps, and some frags of his corals. He wants to get rid of all his softies and have a SPS only tank I think. :notsure: BTW, where did you see a pic of his tank??


I have the same tank. And it is my first as well, got it three months ago. My crew consists of:
2 scarlet cleaners
8 zebra hermits
8 turbos
Im planning on buying a larger crab then cutting it off. I thought of the anemone, but with the tank not being so big, I can picture it taking over and stinging everything.