Just started my new 36g Tank!


So I gave it a try and ive been rinsing it for about 45min-1h and it is still spitting black and brown water and little particles everywhere!
Im still kind of concerned!
Is this normal for it to take THIS long?


nope.. only ever took about 15 minutes of powerful water washing for me....


I agree with Meowzer, it's totally normal. I made the mistake last time of just plopping the new bag of Chemi-Pure in the sump and a black cloud came out of the output nozzel for a couple of minutes, and then it cleared up. Luckily it didn't hurt anything. I was soooo scared it would though!
When I do a weekly water change I always make sure to lightly rinse the bag of Chemi-Pure, black stuff still comes out even then.


I know i was too worried to just put it in the tank even after rinsing it for 45 min lol
I ended up going to the store and getting a new one and it is working just fine now!

I now have a poly-filter pad and a chemipure in there, I hope to see the nitrate and phosphate drop over the next couple of days


Have you thought about using Purigen? I haven't been in this hobby for very long (only 6 months) but I was given some really great advice and started using it and it's worked great at helping to keep my water in good condition.


Originally Posted by tirtza http:///t/389867/just-started-my-new-36g-tank/100#post_3454923
Have you thought about using Purigen? I haven't been in this hobby for very long (only 6 months) but I was given some really great advice and started using it and it's worked great at helping to keep my water in good condition.
I was thinking about getting the purigen, at my lfs it was quite expensive so i ended up going with a combination of poly-filter and chemi-pure which was a bit cheaper!
At this point my tank is about 4 weeks going on 5 weeks now and the greyish diatom algae seems to becoming pretty abundant!
What can i add in my CUC right now, can i add an emerald crab yet or should i be waiting a little longer? Same with the cleaner shrimp?
Thanks everyone!


I was fairly sure it was done cycling i haven't seen any ammonia or niTRITE for about two weeks after the initial level spikes!
How much longer do you think i should wait?


I mean the niTRATE was 15 when I last checked, still on its way down!
I put in my filter a poly-filter and Chemi-pure which decreased it a bit, but for the most part its on the decline


Ok, so i put a fairly large bag of Purigen in my filter last night and my niTRATE levels are about <5 right now

The algae is starting to turn my sand brown and get a little nasty.
What would you recommend would be the best to clean this up?


Originally Posted by aquaria http:///t/389867/just-started-my-new-36g-tank/100#post_3456154
Ok, so i put a fairly large bag of Purigen in my filter last night and my niTRATE levels are about <5 right now

The algae is starting to turn my sand brown and get a little nasty.
What would you recommend would be the best to clean this up?
All you need is a good cleaning crew( snails and some hermit crabs) the Brown algae will go away and usually is replaced with green algae the fun never stops that's why this is a great time to get your cleaning crew in the tank until a thing that can help with the Brown algae is a phosphorous remover, phosphorus removers also removes silica the Brown algae in your tank feeds on silica