just starting out, what fish to buy?


New Member
I just got back from the lfs and bought myself a 10gal tank starter kit, i'm following all the instructions givin, but i know it is a small tank for salt water and was wondering what fish i could get to get used to the hopy! thanks a lot!
maybe one damsel or a expensive dwarf angel..coral beauty or flame angel but if you are new i would stick with a damsel
p.s. with that small of tank disease out break will occur more rapidly so watch out for it
[ April 29, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]


are you familiar with the cycle that your fish tank has to go through? if so, you have to cycle your tank, and you could probably get a clown and a small goby, or other small fish after the cycle. clowns are good because they are pretty hardy, and both are not too big or messy. most people will tell you no more, but i would say that after you got pretty experienced you could put antoher small fish in there, depending on your filtering and live rock. but for now you have to start your cycle, you can do this with either a piece of raw shrimp, or a damsel. put it in there, test your water, wait till ammonia goes up, then to 0 and nitrites go up then to 0. then you can add your clown, after you take out the damsel. good luck, and take it slow.


i would deffinitly not recommend any type of dwarf angel, they need a larger tank than 10, and have to be added after the cycle in a well established tank anyways.


A coral beauty would be to small for a ten gallon, they love a lot of swimming room and are grazers, love to swim around the tank pecking at rocks plants ect. looking for food. But a clown would go good in a ten gallon.

marine qa

I am in the middle of cycling my first SW tank.
Knowing what I know now I would get LR and LS from the very begining. A 10g tank wont need much. I suggest you get some books on marine fishkeeping and search this site for info on starting a tank w/LR and LS.
That size tank will be difficult to maintain b/c when somthing goes wrong with your water quality it will become a big problem fast. LR and LS will help keep those problems under some controll. By the way did you check out the pricing on a 20g long tank? From what I understand that would give you allot more to work with.
I didn't get damsels to cycle my tank, I am using raw shrimp instead. The damsels are know to be little terrors. With that size tank you cannot get very aggressive fish. If I were you I would stock the tank at a minimum. This will reduce the risk of water quality problems.
Good luck.
[ April 30, 2001: Message edited by: Marine QA ]


LR+LS= Live rock and Live sand. Its called live because of the amount of life in it. Its not actually alive, but it is home to millions of critters, from microscopic phytoplankton to 6 inch long fireworms and shrimp. Its natures way of filtering the water and maintaining the circle of life.
ALSO- check out the aquarium cycle pic.

[ April 30, 2001: Message edited by: KappaDoku ]


i agree with the above post that you might want to look into getting a 20 gallon long tank. you might also want live rock, and live sand. i also agree that you would want to stay away from damsels. though they are good to use during a cycle, id use shrimp if i were you to save from having to catch the damsels and flush them when youre done. and i wouldnt even consider putting any dwarf angel in a 10 gallon, if you got a 20 long, then you could keep a small one that doesnt need to swim alot, but i wouldnt put any of them in a 10, and i think that if you posted a question about them that most people would agree with me on this one.


I had a 10 gall set up for a while and had 2 damsels, a camal shrimp and two zebra hermit crabs. It worked out well.


Rule of thumb is 1 inch per gallon and with that small of a tank you take the risk of having the tank crashing at a faster rate than a larger one. Basically, once all water parameters are good then you can add possibly a clown since they are much hardier than Coral Beauty's or any dwarf angel. HTH and good luck