Wow this whole thread isweird. You say you have a carpet but ask about decor, and also refer to fish as collecting. This disturbs me a little. If you do have a carpet you should know that there are very few "plants" that are kept in SWF, and almost nobody keeps decor in their tanks. I could be greatly mistaken, you could be providing an excellent home for a carpet(just wondering, what size tank you do have that in though), in which case you just have not been an avid keeper of SWF, and are new to the reef thing. So if that is the case I apologize.
Few other things that bothered me from this post...uh you can have very nice lighting over an 80g for far less than 400, if i were hazard a guess I would say half that price.
Also there are a bunch of different clowns, sabea, marrons, true perc, false perc, skunks, clarkii, tomatoe etc....Take a look at some pictures see what ones are visually apealing to you. Also Royal gramma's are not usually kept in least not for very long.
If you are really looking for a host for clowns there are a ton of alternatives to anemones, I had percs host in a field of xenia's in my tank.(hopefully I can attach a picture for you)