Just starting!


New Member
I just got a 150 gl tank and I have been trying to read up on the "ins" and "outs" of saltwater tanks. I have a 30 gal freshwater tank now, but this will be my first saltwater. My budget will be somewhat limited. Just need to know where to begin...Tank came with dead coral(?) and UGF and a bio-wheel filter system. Bought the tank used from an acquaitance. Also had stand, bag of CC and more stuff than I know what to do with! Got the whole thing for $200.00 so I couldn't pass it up. Do I need the UGF or just sand?? What else do I need to to start. Thanks for any and all advice!


Active Member
The most important thing you need is...
saltwater biosystems dont happen overnight...it takes weeks monthe to establish.
their are many differing opinions that you will get. What you need to do is invision your tank and what you would like to put in it, will it be a reef tank or a fish only tank.
You should definately get some live rock. If your budget invest what you do have in live rock.
I know it sound s boring but it will definately be benificial to you tank in the long run.
As fo the crushed coral, you will hear (read) many times to get rid of it and the under gravel filter and use a DSB (deep sand bed).
I use both cc with ugf and live sand (not in the same tank, 2 dif set ups).
Remember your $$$ your tank your decision!


One thing about a saltwater is evrytime time you add live rock/sand you never know what your going to see grow. When I started my freshwater tank it was hard because I was staring at the same thing dayin dayout. With saltwater when you add LR/LS you find something new almost everyday. I would say go slow. Remov the crush coral and go with LS/LR. If you cannot afford to do all at ounce take your time. Add LS 1st then a couple of weeks later add LR. Even without fish you will find other creatures to ammuse yourself till you get fish.


like stacy t. and ruround said ,live rock will get things going.buy a couple of books on sw and take your time. figure out what you like(fish wise) etc. buy the way.....nice deal on the 150g. also about the ugf, ive only used one once, in a fw.....bad mistake for me. don't like them but thats only my opinion. i'm sure people have had great success with ugf. LR and Lvs are good starters. good lighting,skimmers,sumps,power heads etc are all things to consider as well. have fun and enjoy.


i would dump the cc and ugf, go with lr,ls this will serve as your main filtration. i had cc in a 38 gal and couldnt keep the trates under 80. going with a dsb the trates havent gone over 15 once it started getting established. they become nitrate factories. there are some good articles for beginners i'll post them for you
<a href="http://home.gardenet.co.za/landman/Starting%20with%20Marines.htm" target="_blank">starting marines</a>
<a href="http://www.reefcorner.com/reef%20keeping_101.htm" target="_blank">reef 101</a>