just took a few pics last night and thought i would share

green m0ray

i've had them for about a year now, if it wasn't for the lungfish and the stingrays, i would have converted that tank to a saltwater a long time ago, imo they are as cool as freshwater fish get.

green m0ray

thanks!, the tanks are (2) 100 gallons and (1) 125 gallon, the lion is in a 100 gallon, and i got the stingrays from one of my friends who imported them from S. America. frontosa was pretty cool but i was hoping i could get my hands on a zaire blue one, since they are kinda hard to find where i'm from i went ahead and got the regular one. if you guys notice i had posted a thread about the green being cut from the throat by my tessalata, it's healing great and with no stitches.


Active Member
I appologize beforehand, but the tank the rays are in is nothing less than cruel. They actually are as long as the tank is deep. Just my opinion, and I didn't like seeing it.........sorry. You don't even offer them sand to bury themselves in.:( :( :(

green m0ray

as per above pic, i was holding trimac and dorado for a friend, but i didn't realize a 6 foot tank would be too small for two 10 inch diameter rays and a lungfish and a two inch convict. what do you think, i should go buy a 500 gallon? as for sand, you have to sacrafice one thing for another, in this case it's substrate for water quality. if it were me, i'd rather have clean air to breathe. i don't mind suggestions fellas but would rather not hear the teary eyed comments. i already have a naggy girlfriend that i can't get rid of. lol.


Active Member
how is sacraficing the substrate going to improve water quality?
a live sand bed or even a dsb, will HELP with water quality, not hinder it. Adding both, comfort, shelter and improved water quality, if anything.
Sorry, i know nothing about the tank size and such, but just do not understand the above statement. unless that is what someone with marginal experience is leading you to believe. I just don't get the concept is all.
BTW, they are nice pics with interesting fish, IMO


Active Member
interesting site
although, teh owner's Idea of a sand bed is a little lack in knowledge. however, he does admit that he is inexperienced.
stingrays love to bury themselves, love to sift for food and live sand beds and deep sand beds offer more filtration, esp if stocked properly and thus do not need to be vaccuumed at all, let alone regularly. as for gravel, it is very poor in filtration and needs to be cleaned constantly. It is also very rough and can harm a stingrays delicate skin.
but very cool thanks

green m0ray

yep, i had them for about a year and most of the time they were crusing along the tanks sides. only time they would ever bury was if i was cleaning. i do prefer a sandless bed b/c if you look at the powerhead on the ground, it pretty much keeps the bottom very clean. one thing that irks me is a dirty tank. i do realize that these guys will get a circumferance of about 18 inches but i don't think it's time to upgrade yet. in the future i do plan on putting them in a pond in my greenhouse but not anytime soon. yea, that site is helpful for beginning stingray owners.


do fresh water stingrays even come from an environment where sand is their substrate? i personally havent seen many rivers with sand in them.... silt maybe.