Just wanna get to know everybody!


Active Member
I should have KNOWN that's why you know so much about starfish! LOL! :D
Hey...how about dropping a few of those legs, and showing a full on human photo?


Active Member

Originally posted by Buzz
Hey...how about dropping a few of those legs, and showing a full on human photo?

Buzz! I hardly know you! :eek:
How about this one on a glacier in New Zealand (there were no brittlestars in/on it):


Active Member
Well, see? Now we know each other better! ;) Heh heh...
Nice shot! New Zealand, huh? very nice...


Active Member
Susan your a cutie,;) did I mention I have lots of cool starfish, and a big reef tank? just kidding:D , I only have 3 starfish, but you are a cutie;)


Active Member
outa rename this thread as the hotty one eh ? :D
and im not talking about you plum70rt haahahha kidding


Active Member
Doodle - I'm hoping it's the last one...grrrrr...but knowing me, it's the first one, and the last is your wife, and I just stuck my foot in my mouth! LOL!
Plum70art - Back off! She's mine! GRRRRRR!!!!! Heh heh... (just kidding...I'm engaged.) But I DO agree....Susan! You are definitely a cutie!


Active Member
The last was a pic of a girl - just her head who was wearing nothing but paint on her body. She was painted in clothes. You almost couldn't tell she was

unless you looked closely. I just posted her head of course. I can send you the entire pic if you like....


Active Member

Originally posted by doodle1800
The last was a pic of a girl - just her head who was wearing nothing but paint on her body. She was painted in clothes. You almost couldn't tell she was

unless you looked closely. I just posted her head of course. I can send you the entire pic if you like....
oh... my wifes a lot cuter though.... :):D hee hee

haha u suck lol


Active Member
I didn't mean my wife was cuter than Susan - or Joy. I meant cuter than the pike.
never mind - I'm putting my foot in my mouth as usual...


Active Member
Hmmm. 3 pictures of women, and a few of you guys appear to be ending up with foot in mouth disease today!!??
Tee hee hee.
This could have some application in the peace process I think.
But many Thanks for the kind words. Really, I am "aw, shucks" on this end. Blushing.
My husband agrees, I suspect. :D ;)
As an aside, I had just met him about a week before the picture was taken. I was doing research in NZ (thank you American taxpayer), he was doing research in NZ (thank you NZ taxpayer). I sat next to him on a 45 min flight. Funny how things happen, isn't it?
However, plum70rt, does have a big tank. Could get a lot of brittlestars in there.....


Hmm...research in new zealand...you must have an awesome job..lol. If you don't mind me asking what do you do? btw looks really pretty there from the pic :D Bye!