Just want to ask a question conserning sharks


What gets bigger, a banded cat shark or coral cat shark?
I have 55gal and i'm not considering buying a shark, but i just want to ask, if i were to see what shark would live better in a 55gal what would it be? *i'm not planning on putting a shark in my 55gal and i know they dont live in 55gal* I just want to see, really what shark will get bigger.


Active Member
If you dont want to keep one in a 55, that you keep stressing, why ask? Run a search on this board to find your answer. I dont want to sound cruel, but I dont think anyone will answer this with all the shark abuse on this board.


Active Member
Seriously, someone's special helmet is too tight.
Cause that's just a few too many "hypothetical" questions about keeping an shark in a 55.


if u want toknow which gets bigger why not just ask instead of Telling everyone about yur 55. If i didnt know better i would say u r planning to add one.


On the off chance this person isnt a troll. Even the smallest of aquarium sharks as a newborn would still be cramped in a 55, not to mention the bioload it adds would be crazy.


allright you guys got me:rolleyes: . I'm going to be getting a 150gal soon. So i will have the 150gal and my 55gal. I want to add a shark and a ray to the 150gal(will be getting it in march some time) would i be able to put a shark in my 55gal until then? And after i transfer the shark to the 150gal i will be getting an angler for the 55gal.


150 is still too small for the full grown version of even the smallest of sharks in the aquarium industry. When setting up a tank you pick the shark and then you pick the tank to put it in because you are going to be stuck with it full time for its life and half assing it as most of the people on this board want to do with sharks is not going to cut it. People need to get it through their heads that not everyone is supposed to have a shark and the 99% majority of people are not prepared to go that extra mile and $2000 to get that way. Stick with regular fish and leave the endangered sharks in the water, at least on the east coast they have half a chance agaist the murdering asian fishing hordes.
The smallest tank for the smallest shark is 180 gallons and it goes up from there especially if you want one that is an active swimmer and fits the shark stereotype. Blacktip type sharks you are not going to have unless you have that super multi-thousand gallon tank that one guy on here has and even then he is smart about it and only has a few. Nursesharks? Forget it, no hobbiest can afford to build the size of tank needed for one of these fully grown unless you actually build the house around the tank and make massive dough to support it.(although it would be cool).


Active Member
Oh, I did find a shark you could put in a 55!!! It looks just like a Great White, stays at about 6" long, non-aggressive and water paramaters are irreleavant to it.
Its plastic though. You can get em at WalMart I think.


gasguzzler, let me correct u...they are very very very agressive expecally when u put them on a flat surface, then roll him back words and release...then be amazed by it rolling across the table,watch out for those wheels on the bottom too they can pinch u


Active Member

Originally posted by gasguzzler
Its plastic though. You can get em at WalMart I think.

Yeah, those species are fascinating. They actually separate in half, with one half in the water. It actually swims when directing a powerhead right at, it's really a sight to see!


Active Member
I like the kind with the magnet in their belly...
You put one half "in" the tank and the other half on the "outside"....
Looks like he's "swimming" Right Through the Glass...:eek: