Just watched Emerald Crab take out 1/2 inch Electric Blue Hermit

i have 3 emeralds, two of them are well behaved and the third, gets spanked a lot.
.. he is really aggresive. iam thinking of taking him out and into my refuge..


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Or in your sump. I hear they can become pests but some are fine. Pretty cool though.
The problem is he is starting to get quite large now. I bought him when he was as big as a dime, now he has molted about six times. I think him, and super nassarius are going back to the LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
Did the Emerald attack and kill a living hermit? or did you just catch it eating?
I thought I saw a struggle, followed by the feast. The hermit wasnt completely out of the shell, but just about. This happened at the very top of the rock so we are talking about 10 inches above the sand. This is odd behavior correct?


Active Member
put some seaweed in the tank if not enough algea for him , this might help with him attacking others for for. cause he could move to corals to eat. taht would be bad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
put some seaweed in the tank if not enough algea for him , this might help with him attacking others for for. cause he could move to corals to eat. taht would be bad.
Saturday the invertebrates were given a sheet of blue green algae. 90% of the time that the sheet was in there and I wasn't sleeping the emerald was eating the sheet. I feed them a sheet twice a week.