Just wondering


New Member
:notsure: Hello all. I have been doing my tank now for about 8 months. I have a 30 gallon tank, live rock, live sand, green button polyps,yellow colonial polyps, 2 turbo snails, 5 hermit crabs, mushroom polyps, orange button polyps, a maroon clownfish, domino damsal and a royal gramma basslet. I also have my test kit and a refractometer. I decided when I would do this that it would all be right. Making sure of a heater, skimmer, powerhead, and filter, and 2 coralife 65 watt lights.
Now I would love to get a couple more fishes just don't know what would be good to get. Can anyone out there give some good advice for this new hobbiest. Thank you so much for listening to me. Have a great day.


Active Member
You've got a rough neighborhood in there. I don't think your current fish would welcome a newcomer.
Something small, but fiesty enough to hold it's own.
A dottyback?


Active Member
yeah, you've got 3 bullies in there. maybe one of the smaller hawkfish but they eat shrimp. maybe a pseudochromis


Active Member

Originally posted by countrygal
:confused: But I thought that all that I had in my tank Are all Reef safe. Was I informed wrong????? :notsure:

No, they ARE reef safe. But not community safe. By that I mean they are very territorial fishes. Especially the moroon clown and the domino. Either way I think you are pretty much borderline on your stocking. You should leave it at that.


New Member
:jumping: I just wanted to say thank you for your input. Like I said I haven't been into this very long but I want to do it right. I have also learned to be paitent, as my son-in-law has been getting through my head. I haven't been going to this site very long but from what I can see it is a very useful too at gathering alot of info from all of you out there going through this now or are long time experience at it. All I know is that I love my new hobby very much and I really want to make it work.