Just Wondering...!


New Member
I was just wondering if I can put some fish in my tank even though i just cycling my water for one week and i have live rocks in my tank today so is it ok...

mpls man

Active Member
I would let it cycle maybe another week then add some damsels to your tank they almost live through anything. check your levels as well to see where there at.
0 nitrates
0 nitrites
0 ammonia
ph 8.2-8.4
these can be critical in setting up a new tank.
what else do you have for filteration?

mpls man

Active Member
i would see how your levels look later and try some damsels, they are super hardy, some people like bio balls and some don't, i took them out because they collect ditritus and cause your nitrates to go up, some people like them though, i run a filter sock on my 75 in the sump, never had a problem since then. see how things go .