Just wondering....


New Member
My setup is about complete for now...36G with 10G sump/refugium, about 65-70lbs of LR. The tank has been setup for about 3 months now, cycled with LR. Lighting : Nova Extreme T-5 Fixtures w/Lunar Lights; Slimpaq 460nm Actinic and 10000°K T-5 HO lamps. Coralife Super Skimmer...nothing but R/O water in the tank.
Water Parameters are ideal:
2 Percula Clownfish
1 Bicolor Blenny
1 Damsel (tiny)
1 Mandarin Goby (who is very healthy)
1 Yellow Tang
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Fiddler Crab
1 Porcelain Crab
1 Sally Light Foot
30 Assorted Hermits
4 Snails
2 Brittle Stars
Ricordia Mushroom
Pulsing Xenia
Long Tentacle Anemone
Everything is going great, we have a mass supply, of copepods, from sump/fuge to tank, the goby is incredible healthy and happy. My only problem seems to be my ricordia mushroom, this morning it's detatched itself from it's rock...Should I be worried about this? Is there something I should do to prevent it getting beat up by current or other inhabitants? And is it just positioning itself somewhere new? The mushroom is very small...like a frag.. and it seems to have 2 "mouths" ^^.... and information would be gladly appreciated.
Thank you kindly.

aztec reef

Active Member
you're about to get flamed for having a tang & mandarin in there, as for the other part, how's your nitrates?

aztec reef

Active Member
don't let the ricordia get beat up by current, put it somewhere the current won't move it, eventually it will attached to a rock.


Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
you're about to get flamed for having a tang & mandarin in there
Sadly another live and learn situation. People will tell you Tangs need a 6' tank to thrive happily and a mandarin needs a large tank with lots of LR and copepods.