Just wondering

I'm just wondering. Im wonderin if anyone has ever had 4,5 or more triggers in the same tank i have wanted for a while to get a huge tank i think the coolest saltwater idea is to get 5 or 6 big triggers. I know it probaly wouldnt work. But im still kindof wondering becuase i know the biggest reason is the triggers are so mean most of the time because of food and teritory but if they all have big spaces could this work. A clown,Piccaso,Niger,Bluelined,bluejaw,Pinaple,and a whitetip or bursa. Once again i know people are gonna think im a idiot for asking this question because it sounds like it will not work and im probably not even gonna try it but was just wondering if anyone has ever attempted anything like it or which one of those fish might work. Also any trigger set up with 2 or more if they could say the size of the tank and the triggers that are there it would be very informative for me. Thanks
I dont think it will work, unless you have a tank over some thousands of gallons. One of the coolest thing I ever saw dicing was like a school of 14 queen triggers. amazing, but this was the ocean so if you plan to do something similar you need a hugee tank.


Picasso! Check out the trigger wanted thread. Northern Reefer has 9 of them. They may not all be in the same tank; but, it stands to reason that many are housed together... <smile>
piccaso trigger,
You can keep multiple triggers in one tank sometimes. It depends on the trigger and the amount of hiding spots or caves. It seems that similar sized triggers don't get along well because they fight for the same territory. It is really dependent on the personality of the fish. I have one clown trigger that gets along great with any other fish and another that chases any fish smaller than him. I have a 120G reef tank with 5 tangs and I see more aggresion in there then any of the trigger tanks.
My triggers also are not very big yet so at some time I might need to change their arangement. This is what I have:
170G with a 6.5" titan and a 6" clown. No other living things except the rock that is beeing reduced to rubble by the titan.
120G with a 4" undulate, 2" yellow-faced, and a 4" niger. The niger is never a problem but I have to keep an eye on the undulate. It lived alone in a tank for 6 six untill I bought it from the lfs. The yellow-faced keeps the undulate under control.
65G reef with a 2" male bluejaw and a dragon goby. The bluejaw is not aggressive towards any inverts.
90G with a 3" huma, 5" clown, and a 4" white-fin. As the huma grows it is starting to become more aggressive. It might be due to the aggression of the clown and the white-fin. At one time I had the huma, clown, white-fin, niger, and the assasi in the 90G.
75G with a 4" assasi trigger.
My big clown trigger actually eats more than the titan trigger. I feed them squid, krill, brine shrimp, tiger prawns, blood worms, algae on a clip, and an occasional feeder fish.
This is a nice trigger its the first time ive seen it. Wat about any of you. The owner says he keeps it with a small niger an a small undulated.Its called a stary trigger
That's the best picture of a starry trigger I have ever seen. I have a little trigger that was sold to me as a starry at the lfs but it is either a yellow-faced or a titan. Not sure, need some other opinions
Hmmm im not sure ive never seen a small titan trigger that size so im not sure wat they look like i got a couple pics of the yellow face trigger at small size check it out tell me if u think it is the one u have.
Now that i compare them both i would think that ures is a titan because of the bar on top that connects both eyes but i would hold one 2 it tell it gets a lil older an u can tell just so u know if u have a yellow face those are really cool.
He's growing amazingly fast. I've had him a month and he is almost twice as big as when I bought him. His sides are getting really dark. My lfs sold it to me as a starry from indo-pacific for $20 still in the shipping bag. It has glowing green eyes like the big titan. I'm not sure because of this picture of a yellow-faced that I found on http://www.manband-archive.com/triggers
Hmmm really beats me as to wat it is the picture you have of the yellow faced trigger looks similar to yours.. Regardless of wat it is though that is a really nice trigger you got there. Sorry i couldnt be more help