Jusy got back from the LFS... Look what I got!!!


I just got back. The fish are currently acclimating to the temp. of the tank. Then I will do a slow drip water acclimation. I got a Powder Brown Tang, and a Raccoon Butterfly. They are aboth about 4in. long. Great condition! Here are the pics!

I will get new pics when I let them into my Main tank. Let me know what you think! I am very excited.


The last fish is the Raccoon Butterfly. I have the lights on. Should I turn them off? All I have in there now is a Moorish Idol and 2 Clowns.


I've heard it's less stressful to the fish if the light are out. I turn mine off when adding new fish, anything to protect a delicate investment


Active Member
Originally Posted by liquidonyx
I've heard it's less stressful to the fish if the light are out. I turn mine off when adding new fish, anything to protect a delicate investment
same here


Active Member
Nice fish, are you planning to QT them or are you going to dump them directly into your display? What size tank do you have, I know that Moorish idols need a 100+ gal tank and are very hard to keep, what are you feeding him?


Right now, the Moorish Idol stopped eating. I dont think he is going to make it. I am not going to QT them, because I dont have a QT tank right now. I have a quesion about my Clowns though. Since I added my new fish, they have been just laying on the very top of the tank. Like with barely any water between them and the lid. I am worried about them.


That is how my clown fish sleep every night (they don't have an anemone host). If you have the lights out, they might just be sleeping?!


Active Member
Didn't you learn anything from your failuer with the moorish idol? Why do you keep trying these difficult fish? The tang and butterfly are not going to make it in an unestablished 55 gallon tank. Stick with something easy like a goby, blenny, or cardinal until you get the hang of it and your tank establishes 6 or 8 months. Even then, you do not want to add a tang, especially one such as a powder brown, to a 55.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Didn't you learn anything from your failuer with the moorish idol? Why do you keep trying these difficult fish? The tang and butterfly are not going to make it in an unestablished 55 gallon tank. Stick with something easy like a goby, blenny, or cardinal until you get the hang of it and your tank establishes 6 or 8 months. Even then, you do not want to add a tang, especially one such as a powder brown, to a 55.

Lion... just a point or two. First, this is an older thread... he got these fish b4 the idol died. Second, just curious as to why you were supportive of another person having a naso tang in a 55 when you flame this guy. That being said, I agree with your above points.


Active Member
Yes, this is an older thread, by a week or two, but still, if someone does not say it, he is never going to learn. I hate to see people learn things the hard way because then animals die in the process.
And I didn't neccessarily condone it, but I wasn't as judgemental because I knew the other poster with the naso definitely planned to move him shortly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Yes, this is an older thread, by a week or two, but still, if someone does not say it, he is never going to learn. I hate to see people learn things the hard way because then animals die in the process.
And I didn't neccessarily condone it, but I wasn't as judgemental because I knew the other poster with the naso definitely planned to move him shortly.
Point taken here... but I don't necessarily agree in the other matter.


Active Member
I don't agree that it was the best thing for the naso either, as the best thing would have been to leave it in the store, but I was giving him credit for at least having some sort of plan for the future.


Ok, well both have died already in my friend tank. He has a 125g and said he would take them. Well I went over there a week or so ago, and didnt see eithe rof them. I ask him and he says they both died. I ask why, and he says that it was because they were fighting. So... I guess I still learned the hard way. Plus right now my tank is having an ich break out. This isnt the easiest hobby ever, huh?


Active Member
If you are having an ich outbreak, I would QT the fish and let the tank go for 6 weeks. This means, no fish for another 2 months!!! Please, let the fish death count stay at 3 until the tanks get rid of the ich and your tank gets more established. Research all fish before you purchase them.