Juv Blue Angel fish for trade or free!

Okay here is the deal I have a Blue Angel fish that I need to get rid of he is currently about 4 inches long, he is being treated for ick in a dt with hypo currently no signs of ick. I would like to trade for a simple coral frag zoo's. NO SHIPPING I live on the east side of cleveland ohio, anyone thats wants to trade pm me. Agian want to be clear no shipping!


i got some hawian palthoas i will trade a four head frag. or if you threw in some cash or something else i am interested in i have a four headed frag of rare red people eater zoos. thanks chris oh yeah and one thing is your angel a coral muncher.
Sorry pics are hard I have a bad camera. If you interested pm with your phone number and we can talk or you can come and see him.