Juv Emperor Angel losing color


New Member
Posted earlier regarding him. Have some pics from this afternoon. Spending most of his time up by the powerhead. Swims every now and then, but always goes back there. Has blotchy discolorations on his body, and dorsal fin seems to sag a bit, not as erect as usual. Still eating when I feed the tank. Any ideas whats wrong??
Setup...40G,(going to 125G next month). FOWLR. SG 1.023, Amm. 0, nitrite 0, PH 8.1, nitrates 10-12. Had him since feb 19th. Only displayed these signs in the last 48 hrs. Has a priszm skimmer on the tank as well.
Other fish in system juv blond naso, blue dot puffer and ocellaris clown are all swimming and eating normally.


Active Member
Perhaps Brooklynella? If so, you'll need to act fast to keep your fish alive. Formalin baths will cure this disease. You'll probably want to do a bit of research on the disease to make sure this is what your fish has. Common symptoms are skin lesions, a thick and white mucus coating, gasping near the surface, acting lethargic, refusing to eat, and losing color (your fish may not have all of the symptoms listed above). Like I said, you will need to act very quickly if your fish has this. Fish with Brook often die within a couple days of having it.