Juve. trigger needs a home

I have huma huma trigger that lost his only tank mate to an unfortunate accident with a powerhead.... and like i said he needs a new home. I just can't bring myself to dump him off at a store and was hopeful that someone here could take him in.
I'm in the seattle area.
I wasn't looking for much, maybe some LR or some end caps. But I'm thinking next day or same day shipping charges would be too much of a pain. I was looking for someone I could just hand him to. sorry.
I'm a big trigger lover and I have a friend that is coming to seattle this weekend. If you can't find a home for your huma I would be glad to provide a good home for it. I have a huma, assasi , white-tail, niger, yellow-faced, undulate, titan, 2 clowns, and a male blue jaw. I have over 1000G of saltwater tank space available.
I'm sorry to say that my friend is only going to be in Seattle long enough to set up at the boat show. He said his boss is driving and he won't be able to make it to Everett. Good luck with the trigger.