k i need to know


really need to know what corals you want to keep. i know you said not sps but diffrent softies and lps have diffrent lighting needs.

nm reef

Active Member
A bit more info would be helpful...
What type of lighting over what size display and what do you intend to keep?
3 watts per gal of standard Fluorescent lighting may be great for softies/'shrooms/polyp ... even a few carefully selected LPS types.:thinking:

nm reef

Active Member
...and your test is what?
The question was basic...and the response was standard.
based on your question there is no answer except....sure....3 watts per gal may be fine.....:thinking:


no thats the right... nm latley i have seen so many posts about lighting and how watts per gallon were the most important thing. i got 3 respomses with i need more info... im just doing a little reaserch here.......
im not going to post what is or what is about.... just trying to figure out a few things....


Active Member

Originally posted by iwantacans
nm latley i have seen so many posts about lighting and how watts per gallon were the most important thing. .

what BB are you seeing all these post about WPG being important? I know your not seeing a lot of them here.
FWIW, you could have .5 watt's per gal in a tank and still keep sps.