k..What is this crab I got, thought it was a porcelain but doesnt look like it?


Can you tell me what kind of crab I got? I thought it was a porcelain, but not sure now. I need to know what kind it is so I can feed it the correct way. Thanks so much,


That looks like a white anemone crab, also sometimes called a white porcilin crab. I used to have one of those guys and I loved it!! Like regular porcilin crabs it's a filter feeder and it's a good thing for it to have an anemone for it to lower its stress level but it doesn't necessarily need one.


K...I just woke up and noticed he is missing a claw...Is that normal, or is he just not healthy? (My camera is a Sony DSC-H1. You can get diff attatchment lenses. It has a 12 zoom, and takes really nice close up pictures. Its not a Nikon, but works well for me).


Active Member
Looks to me like there might be eggs, in the crab. The way the 'apron' is kind of protruding, your he might be a she!


that thing in front of him does fan all the time...what is that? (APRON) How would she be holding eggs...and if so, what are the chances of her eggs hatching?


Active Member
eggs will probably be eaten by fish, sucked up by skimmer, or filtered out by filtration. most likely none will hatch unless you're specifically trying to have them, and without a male there's no sperm to fertilize them.
the claw should come back with the next molt.


Active Member
If it does have eggs they will be as safe as possible. Crabs hold their eggs AND their babies in the apron for the entire duration of growth. So you would just have to sit back and watch the (que lion king soundtrack) CIRCLE OF LIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Apron is the thing that is in your picture, farthest lower right part of the crab. Segmented and usually tucked up and tight. It looks like yours has it fanned and that there is a yellow in there, EGGS. So cross your fingers that would be cool to see.


Active Member
If they fanned the eggs out and didn't hold them, there was most likly a problem. Like no male baby juice or something along those lines.