Kaleidoscope zoas



Do you have a picture? The trouble with the names is that aside from the few that are "known" many have names that individuals have just made up. For instance, what one seller might list as kaleidoscope, another could call 4th of July.
A few years back when zoa mania was in full force, it was wild. I traded common zoas with a member here that gave them a fancy name and relisted them for a high price. The funny part is someone bought them, lol.


I have a friend that got a frag of these or very similar a little while back. I think they look like tie-dye!
If I remember correctly, you don't run halides right? These guys are brightly colored and pretty true to the picture you have shown but would fade under halides or strong t-5's. For this reason, I would spend my money cautiously, meaning, I would want to make sure they weren't faded from their lights. I honestly don't know if once faded, if they would resume coloring, someone else may be able to answer that.
They are smaller type zoas and while he has a new head sprouting, so far they don't seem to be super fast growers. This is true of most of the fancier zoas in my opinion. The super common ones grow like weeds, lol.

scopus tang

Active Member
These are a common morph that occurs between Eagle Eye/Whammin Watermellon and RDE under bright lighting. Unfortunately, they are short timers, and eventually morph back to the parental stock becoming Eagle Eye's or Whammin Watermellon. Hence they are not a true morph.