Kalk Mix


After some searching, it seems that Kent, ESV, and Mrs. Wages are very close in price when considering shipping charges. I plan on dripping, not pumping. Kent is maybe $2 per pound more expensive. Price being almost equal, what would most people recommend?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jjboods
Anything I have read on any site always says to buy only food grade for our tanks.
READ the warning label on Kent Kalkwasser - NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION (not what I would call FOOD GRADE)
Thanks for your opinion though........


That is probably more of a CYA than anything. Kent is Codex approved which means it IS food grade. Thanks for your input and opinion, but I am looking for opinions on only the three I mentioned. Thank you.


Active Member
Glad I could help -
Reminds me of an older lady I know. She would only buy gas from the Shell station in town and wouldn't buy fron the other three stations less than a mile away that all were 3 cents a gallon cheaper (closer to the Interstate and shopping). Her reasoning was she wasn't going to put that cheap gas in her new car. :notsure: Not sure what she is doing now Shell went out of business 6 moths ago.


Okay...more specific pricing info.
The Mrs. Wages is $24.95 for 4lbs delivered.
I found a 4lb of ESV for $25.03 delivered.
$.02 per pound more expensive for the ESV.
Any opinions based on this new info? I am leaning towards the ESV.


Generally its the same, subtle differences come in how your add it to your system, are you simply dripping or do you have some pressurized means of adding it to your tank like pumping station? Another difference would be if you are using vinegar or not on food grade or lab grade Calcium Hydroxide. The lower grades may have differences in adding vinegar.
I use the EVS kalkwasser and vinegar. Some use an agricultural grade


My plan is to drip it without vinegar, unless I get other opinions. I thought a slow drip would eliminate the need for vinegar.


Good idea, start with good old kalkwasser mix, then if you wish to know more you can check out a couple of great archived threads about kalk and vinegar if you wish.