Kalk V.S. Calcium


New Member
There is some confusion on my part understsnding the difference and importance on using either a Kalk reactor or a Calcium Reactor. Which one is better suited for a tank stocked with Zoo's , Shroom's and other beginner corals, also large amounts of coraline encrusted live rock......

bang guy

IMO you don't need either for that type of tank. Regular water changes will provide everything needed.


Staff member
I agree with Bang Guy. The corals you list are basically "softies" or soft corals and don't don't need much more except regular water changes and maintaining adequate pH. At most an occassional dose of calcium might be needed, not for the corals but if you like lots of coraline algae.
If you get interested in sps corals then, you will need to think more about calcium reactors but at this point, I'd suggest keeping it simple. Quality RO water, good salt mix and good tank circulation and the best skimmer you can buy is the way to go.


New Member
Thanks for the info. I not only want to maintain these soft corals , I would like them to grow rapidly. But if its just a matter of water changes then that will be fine. On one other note, what kelvin rating MH bulb would be apprpriate for these softies. I use 175 watt 10K's right now but they are due to be changed??