Kalk wasser


I'v got some, well lets just say i whole rock covered in Aiptaisia (spelling?) many people say "shoot it with kalk" what do they mean? whats kalk? i tried killing it with boiling water in a needle shot right at it, but that didnt work. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!


nope i couldn't inject them with the watter they are pretty small, so get pickling lime? No i have to inject them with it? or can i put it near them?


Active Member
To make a paste put some kalk in a small bowl and drip alittle water in it. Mix it up, you'll know when it's a paste. Just adjust it with more water or more kalk.
2 tsp. in a gallon is for dripping to the tank at night.


Also if you want to go the natural way, get some peppermint shrimp. I had about 5 or 6 tiny aiptasias, put them in and in a week they all were gone. They were 8 bux each at the LFS.


Active Member
oHHH!!! ok i'll make a paste tommorrow and rub it on ALL the aiptasia, thanx for the help!
:notsure: You need to inject or turn off all PH's and let it fall on them so they suck it up.:eek:


Killing aptasias with a kalk paste is the least effective way to rid your tank of aptasia... For starters, it is hard to make an effective mix that is not too thick or too runny. And then the aptasias will keep coming back.
Do yourself a favor and order a product called Joe's Juice. Do a search for it and order that. It is cheaper, easier and much more effective, IMO.
Good luck!


It must alos have some kalk in it b/c it is white. I don't care if it has milk of magnesia in it. All I know is that it works like a charm and doesn't adversely affect any of the corals or fish.