kalk'ing aptasia

I've seen so many posts with regards to using a syringe with a kalk paste to inject Aptasia. I've also seen talk of using a turkey baster to do the same.
By using a syringe, do you all mean using a needle syringe and actually injecting the aptasia, or just squirting over it?
I have a syringe without the needle attachement. I mixed up a paste of kalk last night, loaded up the syringe, and tried this out.
As soon as I would get near the Aptasia, it would immediately retract. I did manage to squirt some of the kalk mix over him though. Is this the proper procedure though??? It seems that the kalk mix just powdered over the area the aptasia was on, which got me worried about doing more (was worried about how it would affect fish, inverts, etc)
This morning, there is still a small powder residue where the aptasia was, (no aptasia), and all the inhabitants seem fine as well (phew)...
Did I do it right?
What do I do about the powder residue, just let it disappear on its own?
Please guide me. I don't want to harm anything but the aptasia.
- I tried the peppermint shrimp way, although, I think they got eaten by something... I havn't seen them since I put them in the tank.


A buddy of mine used the boiling water in the syringe method, it worked great, if you have Pep shrimp they will eat the residue and develop a taste for the aptasia and will take care of the rest you fail to squirt.
When I said powder residue, I meant a white powder residue from the kalk mix... not from the aptasia itself.
I doubt the shrimp would eat the kalk mix...

bang guy

Congrats on just "dusting" your first Aiptasia. Sounds like you did it right. Sometimes thay come back so just keep hitting them. If you can't inject them just turn off your pumps and get some of the paste to fall on them. When they retract they'll take the Kalk paste with them.


I understood what you meant, but the residue of Aptasia pieces after injecting it with the boiling water will float around the tank and may initiate your Pep shrimps into eating them.


Active Member
i thought i read that on here that Aiptasia will retract slowly. Correct me if I am wrong, by all means.

bang guy


Originally posted by ClarkiiBoi
i thought i read that on here that Aiptasia will retract slowly. Correct me if I am wrong, by all means.

Aiptasia are lightning fast.