I'd say that dripping kalk vs. using Tech CB or a combo of other stuff has 2 advantages: First, the constant supply you get in a drip keeps levels stable across the day. If you read the directions on Kent's Turbo Calcium is says that you can add the crystls right to the tank, just be sure they don't land on a fish since they get HOT when they first hit the water and could burn it- nothing like throwing hot coals at your critters!
Secondly, there is cost. Tech CB costs abut $50/year for 50 gallon tank, and kalk costs about $5/year, which means it doesn't take long to recover the cost of a doser.
I would never argue with sucess, just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents worth since I've done both, and found it harder to keep the calcium and pH stable using additives.