Kalkwasser Question


OK my LFS recommended I start using Kalkwasser in my 30g tank. They reccommended to mix 1 teaspoon with 1 gallon of water and let drip ino my tank. I dont have alot of room or any shelves near my tank so I had to make a setup a little smaller. I used a jar that holds 2 cups of RO (1/4 of a gallon) and added 1/4 teaspoon of the mix. I have 2 questions
1) After i let it settle do i let the whole jar drip? I heard it will settle and i have to take out a layer.
2) How often do I dose


Active Member
The water will only absorb so much then the rest will settle to the bottom of the container. You can drip the water into your tank, then when it runs dry with the paste in the botom, just add more water and remix til all of the paste or kalk is gone.
Drip it slowly, until you get a good reading on how much you need.


Active Member
There is a bit more info to dripping Kalk.
I would read, read, read before letting it drip into my tank. You can OD Kalk real fast and shoot your PH through the roof.