Kalkwasser user's come in please.

Just would like to know how you guys use it. I decided to switch over today cause I have friends that swear by it. And I was always tempted since it takes care of several different things. I bought a drip for it, mixed it up 1tsp per gallon, let set over 5 hours and siphoned into the drip. (did not use the stuff at the bottom) I have it dripping almost as slow as it can 1-2 drips a second. I guess I'm just trying to figure out if these are all good amounts and if it has worked for you guys. I was cautious to switch over cause my methods have been working for me and I already have an established reef. I guess I just need to test, test, test, to figure out how much of the drip I need to keep everything at the proper levels. BTW it's a 120. Maybe someone has a similar setup that can give me some insight. Thanks.


My 120 looks alot like yours, lol. I been dosing a lil since i switch to the 120 about 7 weeks ago. What I did was put two holes in my old gal jug and used a dripper on one air line and ran the other into the jug. So when it pressurizes it starts dripping. I found that i had to heat my RO water in the microwave for couple mins to disolve the kalk. And also seemed with I was using a lil much I was keeping diatom algae on my sand so I backed down to 1 lil scoop every other night or so. Sand looks better now.


I use kalk to replace for my evaporated water. I have a container of kalk and a aquamedic pump. I have figured out how much evaporation I have on a given day and the pump replaces it with kalk. so far its working great. I previosly tried two part but it didn't work as well for me. Levels and salinity wouldn't balance out. I was always messing with it. Kalk takes care of both. Less headache for me. Happy reefing
Originally Posted by str8salt
I use kalk to replace for my evaporated water. I have a container of kalk and a aquamedic pump. I have figured out how much evaporation I have on a given day and the pump replaces it with kalk. so far its working great. I previosly tried two part but it didn't work as well for me. Levels and salinity wouldn't balance out. I was always messing with it. Kalk takes care of both. Less headache for me. Happy reefing
Yeah I have gotten the evaporation/dosing to even out perfectly which is great and I don't have to top off every two days. No i'm just trying to figure out if this amount will keep my calcium/alkalinity stable.