

New Member
its calcium hydroxide. It looks like baby powder but its caustic and harmfull to breath. If your LFS has no idea find a new LFS if your dealing with reef tanks. Most anquarium stores(local, mailorder, internet) carry it. Just follow the directions and use it with makeup water.


Everything said is correct. It is a supersaturated solution of Calcium hydroxide or oxide dosed into the tank slowly to maintain CA levels. It is the wonder drug of reefs. (that is until your corals don't get the same feeling from it then its time for a reactor). Before you go out and mix up 10 gallons and dump it in: remeber that the solution sits at around 12 pH. So it has to be added slowly.
I would agree that if the LFS doesn't know what Kalk is then it is time to find a new one.
Hi Kappa, I have an Iv bag dripping all the time ,one for kalkwasser and, one for DTS{GOT some new stuff}} BIO PLANKTON, three times the stuff that DTS has in it and, have noticed a huge differance, especially on the tubastrea[ sun pollups] all kinds of new grwth buds on it. Bad thing is its three times the money , but you use a small squirt in a hole IV bag, Kalkwasser , drip it slowly like the others said, I use it for all top off addings, and no ph increase,,,,LOL ;)